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Wedding in Guadalajara Mexico

Mexico is undoubtedly a land full of resources and rich in culture. We knew very well that in Andres and Angy's wedding we could have witnessed and told typical Mexican customs and habits, and so it was. When it happens to photograph weddings of high cultures we are super happy and it gives us so much energy. So thinking about what this wedding could be like, Melanì and I documented what could have happened. Culture and religion often change the soul of every wedding and this obviously affects our way of narrating and shooting. In Mexico, for example, there is a tradition for guests to attach cash to the bride's dress instead of making wedding envelopes as often happens in other cultures. Another custom is to literally pour liters of tequila into the mouths of all the guests who pass under the arms of the bride and groom.

Even though we didn't have much time for outdoor photos, we still took advantage of a very famous park in Guadalajara called 'Los Colomos'. Luckily we later learned what it was famous for, otherwise we certainly wouldn't have chosen it as a location!!! jijijiji We played a lot with Andres' tattoos and with his very strong personality, typical of los rancheros.

Many thanks to Andres and Angy for giving us this beautiful opportunity!!



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